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Fill slow cooker with delicious vegetarian ingredients. Walk away. That simple.
Whether you are a dedicated vegan, a moderate vegetarian, or just a weekend herbivore, The Super Easy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook is your simple source for recipes that fit into your busy life. With more than 115 delicious, hands-off recipes, it proves you can spend minutes in the kitchen and still have a delicious end result.
‘ data-eafl-name=’Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook’ data-eafl-shortcode=’%5Beafl%20id%3D%2211095%22%20name%3D%22Vegetarian%20Slow%20Cooker%20Cookbook%22%20text%3D%22%3Ca%20href%3D’_wp_link_placeholder’%20data-wplink-edit%3D’true’%3E%3Cstrong%3EThe%20Super%20Easy%20Vegetarian%20Slow%20Cooker%20Cookbook%3C%2Fstrong%3E%3C%2Fa%3E%22%5D’>The Super Easy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook ” data-eafl-name=”Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook” data-eafl-shortcode=”%5Beafl%20id%3D%2211095%22%20name%3D%22Vegetarian%20Slow%20Cooker%20Cookbook%22%20text%3D%22%3Cstrong%3E%3Cspan%20style%3D’border-bottom%3A%201px%20dashed%20%232980b9%3B%20cursor%3A%20pointer%3B’%20data-eafl-id%3D’11095’%20data-eafl-text%3D’%26lt%3Ba%20href%3D’_wp_link_placeholder’%20data-wplink-edit%3D’true’%26gt%3B%26lt%3Bstrong%26gt%3BThe%20Super%20Easy%20Vegetarian%20Slow%20Cooker%20Cookbook%26lt%3B%2Fstrong%26gt%3B%26lt%3B%2Fa%26gt%3B’%20data-eafl-name%3D’Vegetarian%20Slow%20Cooker%20Cookbook’%20data-eafl-shortcode%3D’%255Beafl%2520id%253D%252211095%2522%2520name%253D%2522Vegetarian%2520Slow%2520Cooker%2520Cookbook%2522%2520text%253D%2522%253Ca%2520href%253D’_wp_link_placeholder’%2520data-wplink-edit%253D’true’%253E%253Cstrong%253EThe%2520Super%2520Easy%2520Vegetarian%2520Slow%2520Cooker%2520Cookbook%253C%252Fstrong%253E%253C%252Fa%253E%2522%255D’%3E%3Cstrong%3E%3Ci%3EThe%20Super%20Easy%20Vegetarian%20Slow%20Cooker%20Cookbook%3C%2Fi%3E%3C%2Fstrong%3E%3C%2Fspan%3E%3C%2Fstrong%3E%C2%A0%22%5D”>The Super Easy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook is filled with simple dishes that involve no pre-cooking and that rarely exceed 10 minutes of prep time. Simply load your slow cooker (or Instant Pot) with raw ingredients, go about your day, and return to a ready-to-serve meal.
A vegetarian slow cooker cookbook this good contains:
Clutter-free―You’ll be shocked at how much time you save after you declutter and organize your kitchen.
At arm’s length―This slow cooker cookbook has a full list of staple ingredients for your pantry and refrigerator so recipes like Indian Butter Chickpeas and Mushroom and Pepper Fajitas are always ready to go.
Homemade ketchup?―The long unanswered question, “Why would I make my own ketchup?” is finally answered in this slow cooker cookbook, along with many other household staples you may never buy again.
Endorsements of The Super Easy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook…
“Kristi Arnold vanquishes the stress of the ‘what’s for dinner’ conundrum once and for all with a tempting collection of vegetarian recipes the whole family will be able to enjoy together. From store-cupboard staples to vegetarian versions of kitchen classics like Irish Stew and Butter Chicken, Kristi’s Super Easy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook has recipes for every occasion. Her friendly writing style and common sense approach make this the perfect cookbook for any busy family, whether they have been vegetarian for years or just want to reduce the amount of meat they eat.”
“Kristi gives you all the details and recipes you need to make almost effortless vegetarian food right in your slow cooker. There are recipes for staples like yogurt, how to make your own sourdough starter, and so much more – you need this book!”
KRISTI ARNOLD is a former newspaper reporter and editor who developed a love of vegetarian slow cooking over the course of her “blended-eater” family’s journey into a healthy, toxin-free lifestyle. She is the creator of, a website that transforms traditional recipe favorites into easy, organic, and (mostly) vegetarian meals that any family can enjoy together.
The Super Easy Vegetarian Slow Cooker Cookbook
Want vegetarian and vegan recipes you’ll love? Check out my first cookbook! I’m so excited about it and I hope you’ll love it. You can find more information about it right HERE.