My girls are weird. They love lozenges. They often fake ticklish throats in an attempt to get them. It’s hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time. Lately, we’ve been making essential oils honey lozenges.
I have to be REALLY sure our lozenges are good for them. No chemical ingredients. Many cough drops come filled with HFCS and other additives.
Now, when we have the time and advanced warning, we make homemade honey lozenges with essential oils.
Essential Oils Honey Lozenges
Adapted from Mama Essential Oil Cabinet
1 cup honey
1 teaspoon ghee or coconut oil (optional)
10 drops Thieves (vitality) essential oil (I get mine HERE)
5 drops Lemon (vitality) essential oil
Bring honey and ghee/coconut oil to 300 degrees Fahrenheit using a candy thermometer. It will take about 20 minutes on medium heat. Stir frequently and turn to low to prevent it from boiling over. The ghee should help keep the foaming down.
Turn off heat and allow the honey to cool. Once it starts thickening, you can add your essential oils. You can add more or less, to taste.
Drop into a silicone mold ice cube tray. Let cool until hard and pop out. Store in a jar or other container in your medicine cabinet; it shouldn’t spoil. Or you can freeze most of your batch in a freezer bag if you like.
Enjoy your lozenges!

Essential Oils Honey Lozenges
- 1 cup honey
- 1 teaspoon ghee or coconut oil (optional)
- 10 drops Thieves (vitality) essential oil (I get mine HERE)
- 5 drops Lemon (vitality) essential oil
- cup honey
- teaspoon ghee or coconut oil (optional)
- drops Thieves (vitality) essential oil (I get mine HERE)
- drops Lemon (vitality) essential oil
- Method
- Bring honey and ghee/coconut oil to 300 degrees Fahrenheit using a candy thermometer. It will take about 20 minutes on medium heat. Stir frequently and turn to low to prevent it from boiling over. The ghee should help keep the foaming down.
- Turn off heat and allow honey to cool. Once it starts thickening, you can add your essential oils. You can add more or less, to taste.
- Drop into a silicone mold ice cube tray. Let cool until hard and pop out. Store in a jar or other container in your medicine cabinet; it shouldn't spoil. Or you can freeze most of your batch in a freezer bag if you like.
- Enjoy your lozenges!
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