Day 131.
Mmm spoon bread, does it get any tastier? Miz Helen may be my favorite cook in the “blogosphere.” That may sound weird since she’s a big fan of the meaty stuff, but I just love her recipes. They’re simple, but unique. And she seems like she’s willing to try a lot of different things.
Her Southwestern fare is super awesome. I absolutely loved her tamales, which I made into Tamales. I think this spoon bread is sure to be another hit.
Vegetarian Southwest Spoon Bread
Adapted from Southwest Spoon Bread.
5 C cheese, shredded (I used Mexican and pepper jack)

In a large saucepan add, onion, garlic, milk and stock. Bring to a boil and slowly add the cornmeal, stirring constantly. Cook on medium heat until mixture becomes thick and stiff, take off the heat and pour into large mixing bowl. Add the cheese, green chiles, salt, cilantro and maple syrup. Mix well until all the ingredients are blended well.
Pour a little of the cornmeal mixture into the egg yolks to temper the eggs and mix, then pour the egg yolks into the cornmeal mixture and mix well. Place 1/3 of the egg whites in the cornmeal mixture and fold in 1/3 of the egg whites at a time until they have all been incorporated into the cornmeal mixture. Blend in about half the corn. Spray a 9 X 13 baking dish with oil. Pour the mixture into the baking dish. Top with remaining corn.
The Results
I left out the maple syrup because I wasn’t sure how I would like that in with my chiles. I like a savory spoon bread, I guess. But this is super yummy. It’s surprisingly eggy for the amount of other ingredients mixed in. I thought the onion and chile would be more prominent, but this is super delicious. My husband called it frittata bread.
This post is shared with Real Food Wednesday, Recipes I Can’t Wait to Try, What’s Cooking Wednesday, What’s on Your Plate?, What’s on the Menu Wednesday, Let’s Do Brunch, Works for me Wednesday, Gold Star Wednesday and No Whine Wednesday.